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Breast Reduction Treatment

Breast Reduction Surgery in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammaplasty, is a medical procedure that reduces breast size by removing extra fat, tissue, and skin. While it can improve appearance, it's primarily done for health reasons and not just for cosmetic purposes.

Restore Clinic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai focuses on breast reduction surgery, offering custom treatments for individuals suffering from physical pain or unhappiness with their breast size. Their team of skilled plastic surgeons and individualized approach ensures natural-looking results, improving both physical well-being and self-esteem.

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar at Restore Clinic stands out for breast reduction surgery. His expertise, empathy, and dedication to patient happiness make him an excellent choice. Dr. Sangvikar uses his extensive experience and personalized approach to perform safe and effective procedures. His focus on delivering natural-looking results not only improves physical appearance but also enhances emotional well-being.

Procedure for Breast Reduction Surgery

At Restore Clinic, Dr. Ashish Sangvikar specializes in breast reduction surgery, a procedure designed to help women with large breasts experience reduced physical pain and enhanced self-esteem. The surgery follows a detailed plan and is executed precisely to meet the patient's goals. Here's an overview of the steps involved in the procedure:


Arrange a meeting with Dr. Ashish Sangvikar at Restore Clinic. In this meeting, you can talk about your worries and goals. You will also go over your medical past and if breast reduction surgery is right for you.

Preoperative Assessment:

Dr. Sangvikar conducts a comprehensive assessment, including breast size, shape, skin elasticity, and general health, to tailor a surgical plan that maximizes results and minimizes risks.

Surgical Procedure:

During surgery, Dr. Sangvikar administers anesthesia and performs breast reduction. He meticulously removes excess breast tissue, reshapes the breasts to a smaller size, and adjusts the nipple position to achieve a balanced and desirable aesthetic result.

Postoperative Care:

You will be given specific instructions on how to care for your wound, handle pain, and limit your activities. Regular appointments will be scheduled to check on how your wound is healing and to discuss any problems or issues that may arise.

Recovery & Follow-up:

Take plenty of time to rest and recover. Wear the recommended support garments to aid in healing. Schedule checkups with Dr. Sangvikar to review your progress, get additional advice, and confirm that you're happy with the outcome.

Best Breast Reduction Surgeon in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai


(Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon )

Dr Ashish Sangvikar

(Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon)

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar is an esteemed breast reduction surgeon in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai. Known for his surgical expertise and compassionate nature, he blends advanced techniques with aesthetic understanding to create personalized results. Dr. Sangvikar's priority is patient safety, comfort, and achieving natural-looking outcomes, whether addressing medical issues or enhancing aesthetics. His commitment to patient satisfaction has established him as a trusted and admired surgeon among his clients.

Patients rave about Dr. Sangvikar's professionalism and meticulousness. He consistently goes above and beyond expectations. If you're considering breast reduction surgery, you can feel reassured that you're in the capable hands of a highly skilled specialist who is committed to delivering exceptional outcomes.

Breast Reduction Cost in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

The price of breast reduction surgery at Restore Clinic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai is 80,000 -2,20,000 depends on how extensive it is, what surgical methods are used, and what each patient needs. But patients can expect to pay a fair price to reflect the clinic's commitment to being affordable without sacrificing quality or safety. Prospective patients should meet with Dr. Ashish Sangvikar and his team for a consultation to get an exact cost estimate and learn about financial options.

Breast Reduction Cost Amount
Minimum Cost 80,000
Average Cost 1,50,000
Highest Cost 2,20,000

Note: Prices are subject to change and may vary based on specific patient needs and clinic policies.

Who are the ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery?

People who are usually considered good candidates for breast reduction surgery generally have the following traits:

You are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery if:

Excessive Breast Size

Physical Symptoms

Psychological Distress


Stable Weight

Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar at Restore Clinic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai is a highly experienced and empathetic breast reduction specialist. He prioritizes patient satisfaction by offering personalized breast reductions to alleviate discomfort and boost well-being. His focus on natural-looking results inspires patient confidence while enhancing their physical comfort and self-assurance.

Benefits of breast reduction surgery include:

Alleviation of Physical Discomfort:

Smaller breasts can alleviate ongoing pain in the back, neck, and shoulders, and reduce skin issues like irritation and rashes that can occur due to their weight.

Improved Quality of Life:

Increased mobility and comfort make it easier for people to perform physical activities and daily tasks, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Enhanced Body Proportion:

Breast reduction surgery transforms the body shape by creating a more harmonious silhouette. This, in turn, enhances confidence and improves the perception of one's body.

Psychological Benefit:

Decreasing breast size can improve mental well-being by enhancing self-worth and confidence, leading to greater comfort in both personal and social interactions.

Correction of Posture Issues:

Large breasts can contribute to poor posture; breast reduction surgery can help correct this, leading to improved spinal alignment and posture.

Precaution Before & After Breast Reduction Surgery

Taking steps both before and after breast reduction surgery is essential for a good outcome and fewer risks. Before surgery, it's important to get ready to lower the chance of problems. After surgery, it's important to follow your doctor's orders closely to help the area heal well and make sure you're happy with the results over time.

Precaution Before Breast Reduction Surgery

1. Medical Evaluation:

Get a comprehensive medical checkup to assess your overall health and uncover any existing conditions that could impact your surgery. This checkup helps make sure you're physically prepared for the surgery, anesthesia, and recovery period.

2. Stop Smoking and Avoid Certain Medications:

To prepare for surgery, discontinue smoking several weeks in advance. Additionally, refrain from taking medications that elevate your risk of bleeding, including aspirin and specific herbal supplements. These precautions are essential because smoking and certain medications can hinder healing and amplify complications during and after surgery.

3. Communication with Surgeon:

Discuss your goals, worries, and what you hope to achieve with the surgeon clearly during consultations before the surgery. This ensures that both of you are on the same page and that the surgery is planned in a way that meets your specific needs. By communicating effectively, you can increase the chances of a successful surgery and a better overall experience.

Precaution After Breast Reduction Surgery

1. Follow Postoperative Instruction:

Follow the doctor's instructions carefully after surgery. This includes taking care of your wound, limiting your activities, and taking your medications as directed. Doing so will help you heal properly and reduce the risk of problems.

2. Wear Supportive Garments:

To promote healing, minimize swelling, and provide comfort, follow the surgeon's advice to use supportive undergarments or compression garments.

3. Avoid Strenuous Activities:

To ensure a successful recovery, it's crucial to avoid activities that put strain on the surgical area. This includes avoiding strenuous actions, lifting heavy objects, or engaging in intense workouts for the recommended recovery time provided by the surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The procedure comprises removal of excess skin, breast tissue and fat in various amount based on the size breast you desire.

If breasts are asymmetrical, more tissue may be removed from one breast than the other

Then the remaining skin, fat & breast tissue are rearranged and reshaped to create a more youthful breast shape.

Also the nipple-areola complex may be shifted to a higher position to uplift the sagging breast.

Liposuction is used with breast reduction procedure for treatment of fat in axilla.

Liposuction as a sole procedure for breast reduction is used in small number of patients when:

Breasts with very little ptosis (Sagging).

You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery. You might also be advised mammography.

Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.

Stop Aspirin, painkillers, antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.

Please inform your surgeon if you had any history of breast diseases or surgery or there is history of breast cancer in your family.

Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.

Discuss with your surgeon about your past major illness.

Inform your surgeon regarding any current illness like diabetes, blood pressure for which you are taking any medicines. Also inform him if you have had any recent illness like cold, diarrhea etc.

After surgery You will have a surgical dressing over your upper chest

You may have drain tubes placed in operated area to remove collected blood & body fluid.

When the effect of anesthesia wears off, You will have some discomfort or pain for which you will be given painkillers.

You will have antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

You are encouraged to move around & start walking in your room by evening.

You will be allowed to go home next day with instructions for taking medicines & care of drain tubes, which will be removed at the time of your first post-op visit on 3rd or 4th day after surgery.

You can start taking bath after your incisions are healed. Till then you can have sponge bath. As you are not advised to raise your hands over your head for 2 weeks, you can wash your hair with the help of somebody.

You are advised to preferably sleep on back to avoid pressure on your breasts.

You may be required to wear a supporting bra/ sports bra for 6-12 weeks.

There may be some swelling & bruises on operated area which will completely resolve in 4-6 weeks.

During recovery it is common to have some numbness in operative area & changes in nipple sensations which will recover in few months.

You can return to routine day to day activities 1 week after surgery & resume your work after 10-14 days depending upon your tolerance level.

You can resume walking & light exercise after two weeks. Avoid heavy strenuous exercises like jogging, running for 10 to 12 weeks.


Results of breast reduction are long lasting unless you gain or lose significant amount of fat or become pregnant. However with effects of advancing age & gravity your breasts may become loose & sag down.

The scars will vary according to type of incision.

Most scars are concealed in natural breast contours, but some will be visible on the breast surface.

In initial period scars will be red but they will fade and significantly improve over time.

We make every effort to hide and minimize scars, with the goal of achieving the desired results with the shortest possible scar.