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Dimple Creation surgery in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

Dimples are considered as symbol of beauty. Those who have dimples, always flaunt them as trademark of their million dollar smile. Dimples are actually small defects in cheek muscle & people are born with them. Though you are not the ´lucky´ one who is born with dimples, still that cute & enviable smile can be yours with a simple procedure of dimple creation surgery or Dimpleplasty.

How Dimple Creation Surgery Is Performed?

Dimple Creation surgery, also known as dimpleplasty, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at creating natural-looking dimples on the cheeks. Dimples are often considered an attractive facial feature, associated with youthfulness and a charming smile. Many people opt for Dimple Creation surgery to enhance their facial appearance and add a unique charm to their smile. The procedure involves creating a small incision on the inside of the cheek, where a small amount of tissue is removed or repositioned to create the dimple effect. Dimple Creation surgery is popular among individuals who desire to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing facial appearance and enhance their self-confidence through subtle yet impactful changes to their smile.

At Restore Clinic in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, Dr. Ashish Sangavikar, a highly skilled plastic surgeon with years of experience, offers expert Dimple Creation surgery. Dr. Sangavikar works closely with patients to understand their desired outcome and tailors the procedure to their individual facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. With his expertise and commitment to patient satisfaction, Dr. Sangavikar ensures that patients achieve natural-looking dimples that complement their facial features and enhance their overall appearance. Trust Restore Clinic and Dr. Sangavikar to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals with precision and care.

Recover After Dimple Creation Surgery:

Recovery period after dimple creation surgery is short. There may be some discomfort & swelling for initial 2-3 days. But with time, swelling subsides & skin becomes more soft. Initially dimple is prominent even when you are not smiling. After few weeks the dimple becomes more natural & subtle, appearing most prominently when smiling.