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Hair Transplant In Mumbai

Best Hair Transplant in Mumbai- Restore Clinic

Hair transplantation involves relocating hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp to balding or thinning areas. It's commonly used for male pattern baldness or hair loss due to injury or medical conditions. The outcomes of the procedure are generally long-lasting and give a natural appearance. Restore Clinic is renowned as the best hair transplant in Mumbai, providing exceptional services with skilled surgeons and advanced techniques.

Restore Clinic Mumbai excels in providing precision-focused hair transplant procedures to address various types of hair loss. With skilled surgeons and advanced facilities, the clinic offers both FUT and FUE techniques. Patients receive individualized treatment plans that cater to their unique needs and desired results. The clinic prioritizes achieving natural-looking outcomes and ensuring patient satisfaction. Thorough consultations before the procedure help patients stay informed and at ease. Post-operative care and ongoing support are available to promote healing and long-term success in hair growth. The Restore Clinic in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai is known for being one of the top hair transplant clinics. They are highly regarded for their expertise, use of advanced techniques, and dedication to ensuring patient satisfaction.


The Hair Transplant cost In Mumbai typically ranges from ₹ 30,000 to ₹ 1,20,000 or higher.

The variation in hair transplant costs is influenced by factors like clinic reputation, medical team expertise, degree of hair loss, and chosen technique (FUE or FUT). Prices may fluctuate based on these considerations, with renowned clinics and experienced professionals often charging more for their services. Ultimately, individuals seeking hair transplant surgery in Mumbai should consider these factors when evaluating the costs of this procedure.

Number of Hair Grafts Average Low Cost Average high cost Number of sitting requires
500 ₹ 30,000 ₹ 40,000 1
1000 ₹ 40,000 ₹ 45,000 1
1500 ₹ 50,000 ₹ 55,000 1
2000 ₹ 60,000 ₹ 80,000 1-2
2500 ₹ 70,000 ₹ 90,000 1-2

It is important to consult with our Doctor for the exact cost.


Various factors can affect the price of a hair transplant at Restore Clinic.

  • Technique: When deciding on a hair transplant procedure, such as FUT (strip method) or FUE (follicular unit extraction), it's important to consider the potential cost factor. FUE is typically pricier compared to FUT because of the more intricate process and sophisticated technology involved.
  • Extent of Hair Loss: The extent of hair loss and the required coverage will impact the complexity and length of the procedure, consequently affecting the overall cost.
  • Number of Grafts: When getting a hair transplant, the number of grafts needed impacts the total price. Larger procedures with more grafts will be more expensive.
  • Surgeon's Expertise: The cost of a surgical procedure can be influenced by the experience and reputation of the surgeon carrying it out. Surgeons who are highly skilled and well-known may charge higher fees for their services.
  • Additional Services: Other services like meetings before surgery, care after surgery, and check-up visits could be part of the overall price or billed separately.

We believe it's important to cover every detail of the hair transplant process, including pricing, in the first meeting at Restore Clinic. This promotes clarity and empowers patients to choose wisely according to their financial limits and goals.

Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Mumbai

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar

(Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon)

Hair loss is a common issue for many people today, impacting both men and women and leading many to search for lasting solutions. When thinking about getting a hair transplant, it's important to assess the surgeon's skills carefully. This intricate procedure necessitates a special blend of surgical and artistic talents, particularly regarding crafting a natural-looking hairline and attaining complete, realistic outcomes. The effectiveness of the surgery hinges greatly on the surgeon's remarkable knowledge, skill, and comprehensive expertise in every stage.

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar is a qualified plastic, cosmetic, and microvascular reconstruction surgeon. He received his training at Grant Medical College & J.J. group of hospitals in Mumbai and further specialized in microvascular reconstruction surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital. Driven by his interest in advanced cosmetic procedures, he completed a fellowship in Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Minimal Invasive Breast Implant Surgery at Wellness Clinic in Genk, Belgium. With proficiency in both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, he is acknowledged as a prominent figure in the field.

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar is a well-known hair transplant surgeon based in Mumbai. He is skilled in both FUT and FUE techniques, providing natural-looking results for his patients. Dr. Sangvikar's caring approach focuses on ensuring patient satisfaction, using advanced technology to achieve the best possible results. Known for his dedication to quality and individualized attention, Dr. Sangvikar is highly respected in the field of hair restoration, helping patients regain their confidence and effectively restoring their hairlines.


(Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon )


Restore Clinic provides state-of-the-art hair transplant procedures using advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results.

  • Consultation: Patients consult with a skilled surgeon to talk about their goals, evaluate suitability, and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Preparation: Before the operation, the patient's scalp is readied through a process of cleansing and numbing of both the donor and recipient regions.
  • Extraction: Healthy hair follicles are gently collected from the donor region, usually located at the rear or sides of the scalp.
  • Transplantation: The surgeon uses precise techniques to strategically implant the harvested follicles into the recipient areas, ensuring a natural distribution and density.
  • Recovery: After surgery, patients receive detailed instructions for post-operative care and scheduled follow-up appointments to track their recovery and achieve the best outcomes.



There are primarily two types of hair transplant procedures: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Both methods entail extracting healthy hair follicles from a donor site and implanting them into the recipient area.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): During a Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, a strip of skin is surgically taken from the donor area on the back of the scalp. This strip is divided into individual follicular units, which are then transplanted into the recipient areas to achieve a natural appearance. FUT provides an effective method for transplanting hair follicles and achieving aesthetically pleasing results.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): The hair transplant method known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) involves extracting individual follicular units from the donor area with a small, circular punch tool and implanting them into the recipient areas. FUE is minimally invasive and avoids linear scarring.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a cutting-edge hair transplant method where individual hair follicles are carefully removed from the donor site and promptly transplanted to the recipient area with a special pen-like tool. DHI guarantees precise placement of follicles and faster recovery, leading to more natural and seamless hair growth.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, therapy for hair transplantation includes injecting platelets concentrated from the patient's blood into the scalp. These platelets release growth factors that encourage hair follicles to grow thicker and healthier. PRP therapy is commonly combined with hair transplant operations to improve outcomes and speed up the healing process.

Alternative Hair Restoration Methods

Facial Hair Transplant

Facial Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure that helps to restore hair in the facial area. It helps to enhance the appearance and make people look more attractive. The procedure involves harvesting healthy donor hairs from other parts of the body and transplanting them into areas where there is thinning or balding of facial hair.

Beard Hair Transplant:

Beard Hair Transplant is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of a patient’s facial hair. It’s increasingly becoming popular among men looking to restore their beards and mustaches, especially in Mumbai.

Beard Hair Transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where individual follicles are extracted from the donor area and then transplanted into the recipient area, usually on the chin and cheeks. The transplantation process requires careful planning and precision to ensure successful outcomes. After healing, patients can enjoy fuller-looking beards with natural-looking growth that lasts for years.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Eyebrow Hair Transplant is a procedure used to restore eyebrows with natural-looking hair and is becoming increasingly popular in the world of beauty. The process involves extracting hairs from one part of the body, such as the scalp, and transplanting them into the eyebrow area. This procedure can help people achieve fuller and thicker eyebrows in a relatively short amount of time

The procedure is available in many countries, including India, where it has been gaining popularity due to its affordability and effectiveness. In particular, Mumbai has become a hub for eyebrow hair transplants due to its large pool of skilled doctors who specialize in this field

Eyelash Treatment

Eyelash Treatment is an emerging trend in the field of beauty and aesthetics. It is a process of enhancing the length, thickness, and curvature of one’s natural eyelashes using various techniques and products. With this treatment, you can get long, curly, and voluminous lashes that would make your eyes look more expressive. This treatment has become incredibly popular in recent years due to its ability to instantly improve appearance.


Anagen Phase: During the active phase of hair growth, the cells in the hair follicles divide rapidly. This phase, known as the Anagen phase, can last anywhere from two to six years. Hair in this phase typically grows about one centimeter each month. People who can grow their hair very long and quickly are said to have a long anagen phase. The duration of the anagen phase varies in different parts of the body, with scalp hair having a longer anagen phase compared to eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair.

Catagen Phase:During the catagen phase, hair follicles shrink and detach from the dermal papilla, marking the transition to the end of active hair growth. This phase typically lasts for 2-3 weeks before hair enters the resting phase known as telogen, during which shedding occurs.

Telogen phase:During the telogen phase, which lasts for 2-4 months, hair follicles are resting with no active growth. About 10-15% of hairs are in this phase at any given time. Eventually, hairs in the telogen phase are shed to allow new growth.

Hair Growth Cycle


Getting a hair transplant surgery is a big commitment, both in terms of time and money. It's important to properly care for your hair and scalp before the procedure to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Before Caution

Stop smoking: It is recommended to stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery as smoking can decrease blood flow to the scalp and interfere with the healing process post-procedure.

Avoid alcohol: Drinking alcohol before surgery can impact blood flow to the scalp and disrupt the body's ability to heal properly. It's best to refrain from consuming alcohol for at least a week leading up to the procedure.

Avoid blood-thinning medication: Before undergoing any surgery, it's important to be mindful of certain medications that can affect blood clotting. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E possess blood-thinning properties, increasing the chance of excessive bleeding during the procedure. It's advisable to avoid these medications for at least two weeks before surgery. Nonetheless, it's crucial to seek advice from your healthcare provider before discontinuing any medication.

Avoid hair treatments: Before undergoing surgery, it is recommended to refrain from coloring, perming, and straightening your hair for at least two weeks. This will prevent any potential damage to the hair follicles, making it easier for the surgeon to extract them. Ensuring you get a decent amount of sleep is crucial in preparing your body for the surgery. Following these guidelines will increase the chances of a successful hair transplant procedure.


Getting a hair transplant is a careful procedure that needs proper attention for the best results. Make sure to follow your surgeon's advice after the surgery. Here are some helpful care tips:

Avoid touching the scalp: After undergoing surgery, it is crucial to refrain from touching the scalp for at least two days. Doing so can heighten the chances of infection and harm the recently transplanted hair follicles.

Avoid strenuous activities: After surgery, it's best to steer clear of intense activities like working out or lifting heavy objects for at least a week. These activities could lead to bleeding and swelling by boosting blood flow to the scalp.

Use prescribed medication: Your doctor might give you medicines like antibiotics and pain relievers to prevent infection and ease any pain. Remember to follow the prescribed dosage for these medications.

Avoid alcohol and smoking: Avoiding alcohol and smoking is advised as they can impact blood flow to the scalp and hinder the healing process. It is best to steer clear of these substances for at least a week following surgery.

Why Choose Restore Clinic for Hair Transplant in Mumbai

If you're considering a hair transplant in Mumbai, Restore Clinic is a top choice. With a reputation for excellence and impressive success rates, this clinic stands out among the rest. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should trust Restore Clinic with your hair transplant journey:

Experienced and qualified surgeons: The Restore Clinic boasts a team of highly experienced and qualified surgeons. These professionals have undergone specialized training specifically in hair transplantation techniques. They have a good track record of successful procedures and use advanced techniques to ensure optimal results.

Expertise: Dr. Ashish Sangvikar, a leader at Restore Clinic, provides top-notch expertise in hair restoration. Patients receive quality care under his guidance.

Advanced Techniques: Restore Clinic uses the latest technology and advanced techniques for hair restoration to give patients natural-looking results. Specializing in both FUT and FUE, they utilize cutting-edge equipment and innovative techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for their patients. Their approach is tailored to each patient's individual needs and aesthetic goals.

Personalized Care: At Restore Clinic, we prioritize individualized care. Our dedicated team creates personalized treatment plans based on each patient's specific needs and goals. Through comprehensive consultations and ongoing assistance. We assure personalized attention, empowering each individual to attain their desired hair restoration outcomes confidently and satisfactorily.

Patient Satisfaction: Here at Restore Clinic, we prioritize patient satisfaction above all else. Dedicated to delivering exceptional outcomes. Our team ensures meticulous attention to detail and fosters transparent communication during the hair restoration journey. Our goal is to ensure that each patient leaves feeling thrilled with their experience.

Reputation: At Restore Clinic, we are known for our outstanding reputation in providing successful hair transplant procedures. Our dedication to professionalism and patient care guarantees top-notch treatment and excellent results.

Results of Hair Transplants at Restore Clinic

Results of Hair Transplants
Results of Hair Transplants

Frequently Asked Questions:

The time it takes for a hair transplant to be completed can vary based on factors like how much hair loss is present and the specific method being used. Typically, the procedure can last between 4 to 8 hours.

After surgery, patients usually take about 1 to 2 weeks to recover. They may have swelling and some discomfort during this time. It usually takes between 3 to 6 months to see visible results, and the full results can be seen after 12 to 18 months.

Hair transplant surgery is usually safe, but there are some possible risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and temporary shock loss. However, these risks are low when the surgery is done by skilled surgeons at Restore Clinic.

Certainly! The hair transplant procedure at Restore Clinic is carefully done to replicate the way natural hair grows, so you will have a smooth and undetectable result. After the healing process is complete, you can freely style your transplanted hair as you would with your own.

When thinking about getting hair restoration, it’s important to think about various factors such as how your hair is thinning, how much donor hair you have, if you want to minimize scarring, and how quickly you want to recover. At Restore Clinic, Dr. Ashish Sangvikar will sit down with you to discuss your unique situation and suggest the best approach for you.

Rajesh Kamble 2023-07-11 11:07:27
Rating 5

Restore Clinic offers the best hair transplant service in Mumbai. The surgeon and staff are professional, friendly, and knowledgeable. The clinic is clean, well-maintained, and equipped with new technology. I'm so happy with the results of my hair transplant and would largely recommend Restore Clinic to anyone looking for an affordable and dependable hair transplant clinic in Mumbai.

Ashok Koli 2023-07-04 11:00:24
Rating 5

My friend had an amazing experience at Restore Clinic Mumbai. Dr. Ashish's expertise and friendly staff made him feel comfortable. The results of his hair transplant are fantastic! I highly recommend Restore Clinic to anyone considering a hair transplant in Mumbai.

Prathmesh Rane 2024-02-28 17:24:33
Rating 5

I am thrilled with my hair transplant experience in Mumbai. The surgeons were skilled and attentive, ensuring a smooth procedure. Restore Clinic provided excellent post-operative care, and I am amazed at the natural-looking results. Restore Clinic provide best hair transplant in Mumbai. Highly recommended for hair restoration needs

Kunal Pandey 2023-06-26 18:07:41
Rating 5

I gotta say, getting the hair transplant in Mumbai was the best decision I ever made. The staff at this place was top-notch. The surgeon knew their stuff and did an amazing job Dr Ashish Sanghavikar is the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai. It took some time for the results to fully show, but now I'm rockin' a head of hair that I can be proud of. The whole process was a bit daunting, but hey, it's worth it in the end. Kudos to the team for changing my life!

Aaksh Patil 2023-06-22 11:35:35
Rating 5

I had been struggling with hair loss for years and had tried numerous treatments but nothing seemed to work. That's when I discovered Restore Clinic - hands down the best hair transplant in Mumbai. The results were amazing, and I can't thank them enough for giving me back my confidence! If you are looking for a reliable and effective solution for hair loss, look no further than Restore Clinic.

Saksham Yogi 2023-06-19 10:31:55
Rating 4

Dr Ashish Sanghavikar is the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai. I had been suffering from hair loss for a few years and was looking for a reliable and experienced surgeon. After doing my research, I decided to go with Restore Clinic and I'm so glad that I did! The doctor was knowledgeable and professional, the staff was friendly and accommodating, and the results were outstanding. Highly recommend them!

Nikhil Sathe 2023-06-17 11:59:52
Rating 4

We had a great experience with Restore Clinic Mumbai. I went there with my friend who did a hair transplant. Doctors' knowledge, technique, and standard of the clinic was a different experience. My friend has got very good results in 8 months. I have confidence that anybody can come here and get honest treatment. Restore Clinic is the best hair transplant Clinic in Mumbai.

Ashish Kadam 2023-06-14 11:03:05
Rating 5

My sister recently got an eyebrow hair transplant at Restore Clinic Mumbai and we are very happy with the results. The entire experience was smooth and stress-free, from the initial consultation to the post-procedure follow-up. The staff was very knowledgeable and friendly, and we felt very comfortable throughout the entire process. We highly recommend Restore Clinic Mumbai for anyone looking for a safe, reliable hair transplant!

Karun jain 2023-06-13 10:51:12
Rating 4

Dr . Ashish is humble, helpful, and one of the best in his profession. He is very much transparent with his practice and will always provide you with the best treatment possible. I have been in touch with Dr Ashish for more than 4 years, n he has provided me with the best treatment, and the results have been just perfect. I would strongly recommend anyone who wants a hair treatment in Mumbai please visit him once and u will definitely see the difference.

Ankur Sharma 2023-06-09 11:02:42
Rating 5

My son recently had a beard hair transplant at Restore Clinic Mumbai and it was an incredibly positive experience. The staff was friendly and the surgeons were highly skilled. They took great care to explain every step of the procedure thoroughly to my son, ensuring his comfort throughout. I'm extremely happy with my son's results, and would highly recommend Restore Clinic Mumbai to anyone looking for a top-notch hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai!

Anit Agarwal 2023-06-08 10:45:52
Rating 5

My son had a hair transplant at Restore Clinic on 22th May 2022, before that he had very less hair on his head. Today after 4 months his head hair has grown more than before and the growth is amazing. I am Heartfelt thanks to Dr Ashish Sanghavikar and his associate's staff.

Avanti Shukla 2023-06-02 12:01:28
Rating 4

Very nice experience, Very Very happy with over all treatment and good result. Dr. Ashish is the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai and all assured team is very polite and hard-working. Thank you so much assure.

Santosh Jadhav 2023-06-01 11:44:31
Rating 5

Amazing results after 6 months of transplant which was unexpected. I was referred by one of my friends from Mumbai and I was surprised by seeing his results. This is the first clinic in which I consulted and it is the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, got operated by Dr.Ashish Sanghavikar he is a wonderful doctor have lots of patience to perform entire transplant by himself and the results are outstanding compare to my experience.

Subhash Sachdev 2023-05-31 10:57:24
Rating 5

I had a great experience at Restore Clinic. My brother was looking for a reliable hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai and luckily we found this clinic! The staff there was very professional and patient, guiding us through every step of the process. They made us feel comfortable throughout the whole procedure and we ended up with amazing results! Highly recommend Restore Clinic for any hair transplant needs.

Manoj Yadav 2023-05-26 12:21:33
Rating 5

If you're looking for the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai, look no further than Restore Clinic Mumbai! I have the pleasure of being a patient at Restore Clinic Mumbai and it was absolutely amazing. The surgery was painless and the staff were incredibly helpful in helping me navigate my options before making a decision. The results were nothing short of miraculous - I had the hairline I wanted and it looks completely natural!

Somesh 2023-05-24 11:45:22
Rating 4

Restore Clinic Mumbai is a great choice for anyone looking to treat their receding hairline. The clinic offers a wide range of treatment options, all of which are tailored to the individual’s needs. I have been attending the clinic for almost 6 months now and my hair has seen tremendous growth, not only in terms of thickness but also in terms of overall health. I am more than satisfied with the results and would highly recommend Restore Clinic Mumbai to anyone struggling with this issue.

Jaydev 2023-05-20 14:34:02
Rating 5

My father recently had a hair transplant at Restore Clinic in Mumbai and it was the best decision of his life! The staff were incredibly helpful and knowledgeable, and the results were amazing. I'm so happy with my Dad's new look and I would highly recommend Restore Clinic to anyone considering a hair transplant. They really are the best in the business.

Komal 2023-05-19 10:33:44
Rating 4

I had been searching for the best place to get a hair transplant in Mumbai and Hair Transplant in Restore Clinic definitely did not disappoint! The staff was so friendly, helpful and knowledgeable and really made me feel comfortable. They explained every step of the process in detail and answered all my questions with patience. I'm already seeing results from the procedure and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a hair transplant in Mumbai.

Atul 2023-05-17 10:39:08
Rating 5

I recently had a hair transplant treatment in Mumbai, and I am extremely delighted with the exceptional service and results I received. I had been struggling with hair loss for quite some time, and after thorough research and consultations, I decided to undergo the procedure at a Restore clinic in Mumbai.

Abhishek 2023-05-30 15:54:17
Rating 5

Treatment went extremely well with no pains or regrets at all. Everybody is very friendly and polite. it was the best hair transplant in Mumbai. I am very happy with my new hair and treatment. This clinic is very good and know their job. I definitely recommend this to everyone.