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Buttock Augmentation Surgery in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

Buttock augmentation surgery, also known as a Brazilian butt lift, involves enhancing the size and shape of the buttocks through fat transfer or implants. In fat transfer, excess fat is liposuctioned from other areas of the body and injected into the buttocks, providing a natural-looking result. This procedure aims to improve the overall contour and proportions of the buttocks for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Restore Clinic in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai offers state-of-the-art Buttock Augmentation Surgery to enhance and contour the buttocks, providing patients with a personalized and transformative experience. The clinic, equipped with modern facilities and a team of skilled plastic surgeons, specializes in delivering safe and effective buttock augmentation procedures tailored to individual needs. The surgeon Dr. Ashish Sangvikar at Restore Clinic employ advanced techniques such as fat grafting (Brazilian Butt Lift) or silicone implants to achieve natural-looking results and meet the aesthetic goals of their patients.

Patients considering Buttock Augmentation at our Clinic can expect a comprehensive consultation process where the experienced medical team discusses their desires, assesses their anatomy, and formulates a customized treatment plan. The clinic prioritizes patient safety, ensuring a thorough pre-operative evaluation and post-operative care. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on achieving natural proportions, Restore Clinic has become a trusted destination for individuals seeking buttock augmentation in the vibrant city of Mumbai and its surrounding areas.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

Restore Clinic, located in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, specializes in Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the shape and volume of the buttocks. Renowned for its skilled medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Restore Clinic offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to the Brazilian Butt Lift. The procedure involves liposuction to harvest excess fat from areas like the abdomen or thighs, which is then purified and strategically injected into the buttocks, creating a fuller and more contoured appearance. With a commitment to safety, expertise, and patient satisfaction, Restore Clinic stands out as a trusted destination for individuals seeking a transformative and natural-looking enhancement to their buttock profile.

Buttock Augmentation Surgery Cost in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

The Brazilian Augmentation Surgery Cost in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai can vary based on several factors, including the surgeon's experience, the clinic's reputation, and the specific techniques used in the procedure. On average, the cost can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 3,00,000 or more. Typically, the procedure involves liposuction to harvest fat from other areas of the body, which is then purified and injected into the buttocks to enhance their shape and size. The cost may also include pre-operative assessments, post-operative care, and any additional services provided by the clinic. It is advisable to consult with our Clinic directly for precise pricing details and to discuss individualized treatment plans based on the patient's specific needs and goals.

Buttock Augmentation Surgery Cost
Buttock Augmentation Surgery Cost Amount
Lowest Cost ₹2,00,000
Average Cost ₹2,50,000
Highest Cost ₹3,00,000

Disclaimer: To know more about the detailed cost, call or directly visit our Clinic.

Buttock Augmentation Surgery Procedure at Restore Clinic

Our Buttock Augmentation Surgery is a transformative procedure designed to enhance your natural curves and achieve your desired silhouette. Led by skilled surgeons and utilizing advanced techniques, we are committed to providing you with a safe and personalized experience, ensuring beautiful and natural-looking results. Step into a new chapter of self-assurance with Restore Clinic's Buttock Augmentation Surgery.

Buttock Augmentation Surgery Procedure at Restore Clinic:

  1. Consultation: Meet with a skilled surgeon at Restore Clinic to discuss your goals, medical history, and desired results for buttock augmentation surgery.
  2. Pre-operative Preparation: Undergo thorough medical assessments and receive personalized instructions to prepare for the procedure, including any necessary lifestyle adjustments or medications.
  3. Anesthesia and Incision: Enter the operating room where a board-certified anesthesiologist administers anesthesia. The surgeon makes carefully planned incisions, typically inconspicuous, to access the buttock area.
  4. Implant Placement or Fat Transfer: Choose between silicone implants or autologous fat transfer. The surgeon places implants or transfers purified fat from donor areas to sculpt and enhance the buttocks for a natural look and feel.
  5. Recovery and Follow-up: Experience a monitored recovery period, follow post-operative care instructions, and attend scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure optimal healing, address concerns, and track the progress of your buttock augmentation at Restore Clinic.

Precautions Taken After Buttock Augmentation Surgery - H3

At Restore Clinic, ensuring the well-being and safety of our patients is our top priority. Following a buttock augmentation surgery, we implement comprehensive precautions to optimize the healing process and minimize any potential risks. These measures are designed to provide you with the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery experience.

  1. Avoid Sitting Directly on Buttocks: For the initial weeks, refrain from sitting directly on your buttocks to prevent pressure on the augmented area and ensure optimal healing.
  2. Use Cushions for Support: When sitting becomes necessary, use specialized cushions to distribute weight evenly and reduce pressure on the augmented buttocks, promoting a smoother recovery.
  3. Strictly Follow Post-Op Instructions: Adhere to your surgeon's post-operative guidelines meticulously. This includes taking prescribed medications, attending follow-up appointments, and refraining from strenuous activities to support proper healing.
  4. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: To promote healing, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol to excess, as these habits can impede the healing process. Abstain from these substances to minimize complications and enhance the overall success of your buttock augmentation surgery.
  5. Regularly Wear Compression Garments: Utilize compression garments as recommended by your surgeon. These garments help control swelling, promote blood circulation, and provide additional support for the augmented area during the crucial early stages of recovery.

What to Expect After Buttock Augmentation Surgery? - H3

After undergoing Buttock Augmentation Surgery at Restore Clinic, patients can anticipate enhanced curves and improved buttock volume. The procedure typically results in a fuller and more sculpted appearance, tailored to individual aesthetic goals with the expertise of Restore Clinic's skilled medical professionals.

  • Immediate Results: After buttock augmentation surgery, you'll notice an immediate change in the size and shape of your buttocks, achieving a more contoured and enhanced appearance.
  • Postoperative Discomfort: Expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. Pain management and following postoperative care instructions are crucial for a smoother recovery.
  • Restricted Activities: You'll need to avoid strenuous activities and sitting directly on your buttocks for a few weeks to allow proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential for monitoring your progress, addressing any concerns, and ensuring that the healing process is proceeding as expected.
  • Long-term Results: As the swelling subsides and tissues settle, the final results of buttock augmentation become more apparent. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to optimize and preserve the long-term outcome of the surgery.

Buttock Augmentation Surgery Benefits at Restore Clinic

Our Buttock Augmentation Surgery offers a transformative enhancement to your natural curves. With our skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, experience the following benefits:

  • Enhanced Curves: Buttock augmentation surgery provides a shapelier silhouette by adding volume and contour, creating a more aesthetically pleasing and proportionate figure.
  • Improved Confidence: The procedure can boost self-esteem, helping individuals feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies, leading to a positive impact on overall well-being.
  • Personalized Results: Surgeons tailor the procedure to meet individual preferences, allowing patients to achieve their desired buttock shape, size, and overall appearance for a customized outcome.
  • Clothing Fit: Augmentation can improve the fit of clothing, as a fuller and more rounded buttock area can enhance the way garments drape, resulting in a more flattering and fashionable look.
  • Youthful Rejuvenation: Butt augmentation can provide a youthful lift and firmness to the buttocks, addressing concerns related to sagging or loss of volume due to aging or weight fluctuations.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery.

Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.

Stop Aspirin, painkillers, Antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.

Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.

Discuss with your surgeon about your past major illness.

If you or any family member has history of breast cancer ,inform your surgeon.

Inform your surgeon regarding any current illness like diabetes, blood pressure for which you are taking any medicines. Also inform him if you have had any recent illness like cold, diarrhea etc.

The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible. Initially some swelling will appear on each buttocks which will take 3-4 weeks to resolve.

You will need to wear pressure garment around the clock for 3 weeks. This will support the gluteal area & help skin to redrape properly.

No sitting is permitted for 10 days. You have to sleep face down or on one side. After this period direct pressure on buttocks must be avoided by for at least 8 weeks. While sitting use a soft pillow under your thighs to keep buttocks raised in air. Also avoid prolonged sitting.

You can return to normal daily activity & work after 2 weeks. Exercise can be resumed after 8-10 weeks.

You will be given instructions about medications to be taken at home which include antibiotcs to prevent any infection & pain killers.

Final result will be seen after 4-6 months. By this time the swelling will completely resolve, implants will settle in position & scars will fade.

In Brazilian butt lift some amount of fat will get absorbed. The fat that remains will stay there for the rest of your life. But significant weight gain / loss can affect the results because fat accumulation /loss on buttocks. So you have to make necessary life style changes. A healthy diet & exercise should be incorporated in daily routine to maintain the results over long term.

In case of buttock augmentation with implants the result will be long lasting. The implants need not to be removed unless some rare late complication occurs.